Monday, November 4, 2019

Javascript - the biggest discovery of 2019

As I mentioned earlier ,  I had the occasion this year to learn Javascript. And later a little bit of Typescript together with Angular.

This was a major breakthrough for me, because I did not know almost any of it before!

The steps of learning were the following:
1. learn syntax, basic structures
2. array, string, date functions, IIFE, arrow functions, callbacks
3. classes and objects
4. promises and Fetch function, a little bit of async/await
5. learn node.js, with express and mySql database.

Finally, I was able to build small APIs to Insert, Update, Delete etc data from a MySQL database.
This took aproximately 3 months to master, with weekly 8-10 hours as average. I kept a constant pace, solving a lot of small exercises in the beginning. As I mentioned, this was part of a code-camp called Smartware Academy, organized by a local company.

Some of the resourced I used:
Then, behavior of DOM -> very useful

The easy part was:
- similarity to known languages (C#)
- a lot of resources and tutorials online
- some good support from the mentors in the course

The hard part was:
- constantly using console.log to show the values of variables during execution/debugging
- DOM - new concepts and behaviour
- callback functions - really strange - and callback hell

Finally, lately I got into a little bit of Jquery/w bootstrap. Really useful, this is still ongoing for me as I want to integrate this into my Razor Pages application.

And now about Angular -  I did quite a few tutorials (maybe 30-40 in total), as I described in my blog post. And yes, I would like to deepen my Typescript experience, since this is one of the coolest trends in the Web stack. I mean, really useful, especially if you come from the C#/Java world, some concepts are borrowed to make your life easier in Javascript.

PS: Does anybody have good ideas about learning Jquery with bootstrap?

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